A Tale of Two Cities 

There have been very few, if any, Immigration suppliers who have achieved two consecutive Category 1 contract compliance (CCA) outcomes. We know of a firm who has achieved this. These results were obtained in a provincial city with the assessment undertaken by the local Regional Office (RO). Their third audit, conducted as all now are […]


The third running of the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards last Thursday went swimmingly. You can read full reports here and here. Given the unprecedented opportunity this occasion allows for the celebration of legal aid practice it seems churlish to raise even the most minor criticism, but… It was too hot – how […]


NfP means “not for profit” and is used by the LSC to denote the voluntary sector, civil contractors involved in the CLS. The LSCs own attitude to making a profit has become apparent in recent days. Under the tailored fixed fee scheme firms have differing options when the statutory charge applies. Most significantly, if the […]

Live at a venue near you…. 

Simon is back out on the training circuit. This tour involves a practitioners guide to successful “Peer Review” and a definitive guide to “What every good Supervisor should know”. Both topics are central to the new relationship with the LSC. Confirmed dates are: LEEDS 19 JULY 2005 MANCHESTER 21 JULY 2005 GATESHEAD 26 JULY 2005 […]


If you’ve not come across this type of site before it is a weblog (or blog as they are more commonly known). This is the latest JRS venture and one we hope it will become a valuable resource and a “favourite” you visit as a matter of routine. The primary aim is to allow us […]