Catching Up 

Away for another training day and so much happens. First we win a “2 strikes and your out” Internal Review of a Termination Notice. A very interesting determination indeed. Second we get our hands, by chance, on some very interesting average cost information. It should be invaluable if you are currently arguing over average costs […]

Back to Reality 

By chance, and a third party, I received a copy of the LSC?s latest consultation document Making Legal Rights a Reality. You can read the associated press release here. They don’t seem to be posting it to firm’s, you can however download it from their site. The early impression, on a quick scan of the […]


We have notification of a further firm under scrutiny for PACE average claims. Further to Andy’s comment below it does appear that there has been a software update (or some training on how to use it) followed by a decision to chase ‘out of profile’ firms. Let us know if it impacts upon you – […]

Competition time 

We are becoming increasingly pessimistic about a change of heart from the powers that be regarding competitive tendering. If we are correct then price based bidding will soon become a reality. Have a look here. The first question is “can you compare your firm’s performance to these stats?” If not you will need to – […]

NfP update 

In a post entitled NfP (not for profit) below we discussed an interesting development regarding reporting the statutory charge in tailored fixed fee cases. The LSC seemed to be advocating an approach which, in certain circumstance, meant that they were enforcing a charge against the client which is more than they were paying the supplier. […]

Thursday – it must be Manchester 

Training all day again tomorrow – places are still available. The course went down well in Leeds and once more reinforced our concerns about how difficult it is for the busy practitioner to keep up with the constant barrage of change. I intend to try a first, and do a remote post from my hotel […]

A Fairer Legal Aid? 

We have been a little bit tardy bringing to your attention the Governments proposals regarding a ?Fairer Legal Aid?. This is the outcome of FLAR. Lord Falconer’s headline commitment is: “The Government will take steps to address the disproportionate amount of money spent on defending high-cost criminal cases and redistribute funding so that all criminal […]

Gone Trainin’ 

No new post today as we are preparing for the start of the mini training tour tomorrow (see below for details, places still available). If you’ve not seen them yet however do read the two entries below on the new compliance checks emerging last week.

Not so SOOPER part II 

Similar early morning emergency calls, two days running. Coincidence? Or is there something afoot? Part deux involves the civil Tailored Fixed Fee scheme. See if you can guess what the LSC want to discuss this time? Click below for the answer.


This is not a political blog however we felt compelled to demonstrate some solidarity with those affected by last weeks events in London. We came across this image with a request from its creator to post it to web sites today. We include it here as a mark of respect from all at JRS.