Never Surrender

Another good resolution to a CCA appeal has been notified to us.
We became involved post Cost Committee to advise on possible Points of Principle. It was an “extended sample” audit (50 or more files from memory) which ended up a tiny amount over 10% and in Cat. 2. We first checked the outcome and found a typo on the agenda document and therefore the CC’s determination. In our view this indisputably showed the firm had been allowed an extra 3 hours by the CC on this case and hence were in Cat 1. The LSC, unsurprisingly, said this was not so and the determination supported the lower, original interpretation.
Cutting to the chase – following a myriad of letters and a threatened Internal Review the matter was remitted to a new CC. (Even this was not without an argument about the agenda of the proposed CC hearing). Finally, some months later, this CC determined in the firm’s favour on the substantive assessment. They are now Cat 1 again.
And the moral of this story – never give up!

About Author: SP

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