Almost Constructive 

I say almost because it is inevitably frustrating when you have to use the best part of a day proving the obvious. Constructive – they, the LSC, have gone away with no concerns about the firm’s control of PACE costs and probably with an enhanced view of its management systems. We slaved over a hot […]

League Against Cruel Sports 

Just been assisting clients prepare for a High Cost PACE audit tomorrow. We’ve got some strong arguments not least a trend line on a graph showing the firm reducing the average over the last 18 months. There are loads of other things the stats say too. All this is possible because they use our CDS […]

Nubmber Crunching 

I once ate out with a client who ended up paying ?600 rather than ?60 pounds due to an error with the credit card machine. They spotted it before we left and put it right. Something similar happened to a client firm last week. They were told they were nearly ?40k in deficit on their […]

SQM Employment Specialist Required 

I read this on the front of this weeks Gazette. I must not make fun, these are people with jobs and mortgages. I must not make fun, these are people with jobs and mortgages. I must not make fun, these are people with jobs and mortgages. I must not make fun, these are people with […]

Radio Silence 

For the third time since August the office broadband has crashed. I feel slightly strange saying this but the resultant break in contact with the rest of cyberspace is like the loss of one of your senses. Apologies to those waiting for e-mail replies, a phone call or snail mail is most likely to elicit […]

Back to Life…. 

By way of a bit of light relief from Peer Review back to high cost PACE claiming. We heard yesterday of a firm who were told, following an onsite assessment of about half a dozen files, that they would be in Category 2 or 3 were they to receive a CCA. Apparently some files were […]

More PR 

Somewhat unsurprisingly we return to Peer Review although in a somewhat more positive vein. As promised we have now amended our standard File Review forms to assist in PR preparation. We have amended the “substantive review” element of the various forms to incorporate the relevant PR criteria. This means we have 3 file review pro-formas […]

Twelve Good … 

There is an interesting discussion on Jury trials taking place here. Follow the comments and join in. Update If the above link does not work try

Match Postponed 

Fog stopped play. Or at least it stopped me taking my flight yesterday evening leaving me a “free” day. I will therefore focus my attention on a Peer Review appeal (or representations as they are called). Having scanned the final report, in the absence of the files, I have to say it seems to set […]

Fight Night 

Had a fantastic autumn drive over the Pennines to see clients on Friday (hence no post here). We met to consider a fairly unusual form of appeal of which I will spare you the details. I have a standard CCA hearing tomorrow. I am often struck by the intransigence of the current day LSC and […]