
I trained on Peer Review yesterday and both Andy and I did mini PR checks on some clients files. Usually we whiz thorough a sample of files spotting the SQM or CCA issues with the speed and trained eyes you would expect of people of our age and experience
This however is a very different way of looking at files and even though neither of us are qualified to comment on most issues of substantive law you can make some interesting conclusions. Obviously being given the brief to “do your worst” helps even so it is also easy to understand how defensive people get when it is their files under scrutiny. Nonetheless becoming hypercritical of file management, recording and client care will become an essential new skill of the file reviewer.
Those who have frequented our training courses in recent years will have heard me speak on the subject of making legal aid profitable and the tension faced by craft lawyers forced to become came managers. Yesterdays firm have been working to a similar LSC derived motto – you can’t provide a Rolls Royce service in a Ford Cortina scheme. Now it seems one at least has to try.
File Review is not coming it is here.

About Author: SP

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