Andy Bean [Lead Fieldwork Consultant] writes:
Once again there are more small but irritating changes made to the LSC forms. Many of you should have received your Master Pack Updates with the following Criminal forms updated:
* CDS2
* CDS3
* CDS4
* CDS5
Also, new SPAN code guidance has been issued with a couple of new matter types, one of which is for Family, relating to ‘Issues arising from the Civil Partnership Act’.
With regard to Crime, new revised claim and outcome codes have been issued which should be applied to all claims made after the 30th April 2006. These are as follows:
Claim Code: Criminal Proceedings
2S: Magistrates and Crown Court Advocacy Assistance relating to orders under the Sexual Offences Act 2003
Outcome Codes: Criminal Investigations
G1 : Client released following conditional caution
H1 : Client released following issue of fixed penalty notice
With regard to the outcome code E1, the description has now been changed and is now as follows:
E1: Client released following reprimand/warning/simple caution.
Finally, remember this is a new contract year and those of you who use our CDS6 and CMRF generators/wizards can get the updated versions from Sandra at the office, call 01642-225553 or email: