Normal service will be resumed

Andy Bean [Lead Fieldwork Consultant] writes:
Simon is due back on Monday so hopefully normal service will then be resumed. I have had an interesting couple of days with the top 10% club raising its head again but in two different formats.
The first being in the normal format with 20 Police station claims being selected. The second was in the guise of a Post Contract audit for a branch office. The audit is to be undertaken in early May so the firm have only just recently received the audit plan. The usual requests have been made i.e. Central Records etc but also a selection of specific 1C claims. The firm are aware they are out of profile and have a high average, but this is due to the fact that this is a new branch office and therefore the majority of work at present is undertaken as Duty Solicitor. The most annoying thing is that this has been properly monitored by the firm and fully discussed with their account manager at regular intervals over the last 12 months.
With regard to both of these examples – are they just cost recoupment exercises or some kind of preparation for Carter/Preferred Supplier? We will wait and see.
Posted by Andy Bean

About Author: SP

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