
I am back in the mire of Contract Compliance today much to my annoyance. Interestingly, as an addendum to yesterday, the threshold for concern on taxation of CDS 7 bills is to be 15%. Now I appreciate the differences in the processes here, especially the issue of enhancement claims, but that said why did we get 10% as the point at which much more draconian extrapolation decisions were made?
Steve is here doing more work on Peer Review – a non-live sample to inform a forthcoming training event.
Andy is out on site doing good old fashioned fieldwork i.e. zapping armies of Autorecbots from behind an oil drum.
Sandra is taking bookings for the next training tour – spaces still available. She is also very pleased with an incoming piece of “fan mail”.
Sarah is working on two Crown Court bills both of which we anticipate, in advance, making enhancement claims and probably, given the current taxation climate, appeals too.
To lighten things in the office we are also having a “use stupid words day”.

About Author: SP

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