Consistently Inconsistent 

Further to this we received a fresh PR appeal yesterday. They are another firm who, with hindsight, wish they had not expressed an interest in the VHCC Panel and who now have a somewhat bigger problem to deal with. On a first glance, and without the files to hand, the first thing that strikes me […]

Career Opportunity 

I meant to mention the changes to the LSC website last week. The main one of these is the introduction of a “what’s new” section which is presumably desdigned to make browsing easier for anoraks like me. A quick look today shows an interesting new vacancy at the LSC and a press release about the […]

Source the Course 

Sandra recently came across these people who run a massive data base of CPS courses. They are going to be on the sidebar here once the redesigned of the site is complete. In the meantime you might want to bookmark them.

Forward Planning 

Unlikely as it might seem, yesterday I was engaged in some idle speculation with a client concerning the duty rota fiasco, sorry minor technical hitch. We both were fervently hoping that the data supplied to Carter was not equally “robust”. On the same theme we have previously had a pop at the statistical drivetime assumptions […]

Cunning Plans? 

Todays job, some way down the road from Middlesbrough, seems likely to become an increasingly frequent part of our work – detailed pre-Carter planning with a client firm. The firm is question is one who initially saw the proposals as potentially beneficial and might even be described as a Carter target firm. It is beginning […]

“We were your first Preferred Supplier” 

In recent years I have spoken on a number of occasions at the same events as Stephen Hewitt of Fisher Meredith – usually regarding Preferred Supplier. The following letter, to the LSC, was reproduced in an excellent article in the most recent issue of Independent Lawyer (worth a subscription if you do not already have […]

Reviewing the Reviewers 

The latest Peer Review result, Threshold Competence, concurred with our assessment of the sample. It does however once again confirm our concerns about the (re)emergence of inconsistency. Most telling are that certain issues recorded as “other areas of concern” are clearly more significant than issues we have previously seen recorded as “major areas of concern” […]

Speaking with Forked Tongue 

I have kept up with news, especially the duty rota saga, via the BillBerry. That this will now be subject to litigation was equally as predictable as that they would get it wrong in the first place. As I left the UK a fortnight ago the correspondence under consideration was discussed here. Subsequent to that […]

On Your Return 

First day back in the office so I am going through the usual backlog of messages etc. Fortunately the team seem to be on top of things so this has been a much less trying task (Spam excluded) than in previous years. Most pleasing amongst these is the one CCA result notified during my vacation, […]

Its good to share 

Sandra Ozturk writes: All the feedback comments below came from one of our regular training delegates – you know who you are – and you did make us laugh – we thought we would share this witty repartee with everyone to possibly cheer up a gloomy Monday (not sunny up North today I can tell […]