I like to think I am a reasonably fair minded person. So given the various posts here in recent weeks accusing the LSC of willfully disregarding exert evidence demonstrating the impracticality of their Carter implementation proposals, I thought it right to put the record straight. (We have referred to this as “I’m not listening ears”). It is now for you to judge whether this accusation is an accurate representation of the Commissions position:
The Legal Services Commission has issued the following statement following today’s publication of the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee’s report on legal aid reform.
LSC Chief Executive Carolyn Regan said:
“We are continuing to work towards implementation of various elements of the legal aid reform programme in October as planned. This will ensure that providers have information about the schemes as early as possible. However, we recognise that Ministers will need to consider and respond to the Select Committee’s report during the coming weeks.”
Is it a case of the LSC not listening (la la la) or a case of the Government not listening or only hearing what they want to hear (as in WMD). THE LSC are only implementing Government policy (there are not many votes to be loss in cutting a service that only effects the poor, vulnerable and disenfranchised and there may be votes to win by appearing to be cutting and targeting all the money that goes those “fat cat lawyers”.
This whole exercise is being undertaken to save the Treasury money.
Now it’s time for me to take my anticynic pills.
A real danger of all this is the derailing of the entire volume delivery process. That would just leave price cuts, and draconian ones at that.
…..and they made such a confident start with the new duty scheme rotas didn’t they?
AOL led me to this blog post, and it is absolutely what I was looking for.
Thanks a lot for this article, it has helped me a lot!