Grey, wet, miserable Friday. Tired from a poor nights sleep due to niggly neck. No bag yet, just had a call still not found at LHR, so forced to start buying replacements e.g. phone chargers. They are still digging up the same bit of road on my journey to work which has causes intermittent 15 minute delays all year. Headlight out on the car.
Mood not generally improved by the PR appeal I am working on – how about this:
“there were some very good results achieved at court suggesting a good standard of advocacy”
however it is still a Cat 4 outcome. It’s not about the job you do its about how your write it down- sh*&e!
The client who sent us flowers and wine as a thank you (on top of our reassuringly expensive fees) has been the only thing to break the gloom. Roll on close of play and a tea time pint.
Have just included this into my current appeal with regard to the first file I have looked at:
The reviewer criticises the firm for failing to advise on
What do you expect? These people can bring the whole thing to a grinding halt by not acting as peer reviewers but are happy to take the LSC money and do the rest of us down as well.