Can’t Get Away from Technology

Want to see some non-award winning technology, but which actually works? Have a look at the new web site of friends of this site Freedom Technical.

About Author: SP

3 comments on “Can’t Get Away from Technology

  • Whilst they may be friends of your site and provide a good service, I always have a nagging doubt about firms that want you to use a 0870 number for general telephone calls and faxes (I can understand it for technical support etc.)

  • Interesting observation. You may be interested to know that from 2008 revenue sharing on these numbers (only 0870) is prohibited, also if the number charges more than national call rate it must be preceded by a recorded message warning of the same (and you will not be charged for the recorded message).
    Moving on slightly it is my view that we should set up premium rate numbers for communications from police and CJS partners to try and claw back some of the losses from the great legal aid robbery.

  • Thanks for the plug Simon! I understand your points Mike. We do not share revenue on this number however, we set it up because as a non geographic number this meant in the early days it gave us flexibility to move office etc. Also bearing in mind many callers now use mobile phones and I personally find it very annoying when I ring a 0800 number and I get a recorded message telling me it is not free etc.
    In respect of the further comment concerning prime Solicitors setting up premium rate numbers I have personal experience of working with a large Criminal Practice that have for many years used a 07050 number which they found gave them a great deal of control and flexibility in respect of routing calls to specific numbers to allow for out of hours cover. Unfortunately now however, due to Ofcom changes they get a 20 second recorded message played to callers prior to them being put through which as you can imagine is not desirable for an emergency number. I would recommend therefore, if anyone is considering such a move they should keep a very close eye on Ofcom implications.
    Mark Reynolds
    Managing Director
    Freedom Technical

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