Gaolers of Azkaban?

If you are familiar, as I guess all parents of a certain age are, with the Harry Potter books you will understand what the title of this piece refers to. Dementors, as this definition expands, are creatures who suck the soul from their prey. They are generally regarded as “amongst the foulest beasts on earth”. They are the guards of Wizard prison Azkkaban. (Does anyone really not know this stuff now?)
I currently feel as though I have been attacked by them.
That’s correct I am once again involved in a full 20 file Contract Compliance Appeal which is slowly eroding my will to live. With hindsight I find it hard to believe I survived nearly 200 of these damn things. A large part of the frustration is the almost certain knowledge that they are wrong as best demonstrated by the most recent previous such appeal I was involved with. After a full year of wrangling an initial finding of a 92% was reduced, on appeal, to 9%.
Fortunately this job is not anyway close to the same scale. Here’s hoping FAVFM does not become equally as stupid.

About Author: SP

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