For the third time this week I am off on my travels to deliver some in-house shouting. Consequently I have little time to blog (am going early as I suspect we might have some problems on the M62 due to strong winds and high sided vehicles).
So what might I have posted on if I had had the time?
More horror stories regarding contract payments. Despite their claims to the contrary a continuing litany of disasters at the DSCC – one firm was not informed of an “own solicitor” client within the target 2-hours rather 2 days, can anyone beat this? More bad Peer Review and CCA news. Post Wise Leeds lose at Southend. My birthday present trip to Amsterdam to see Plant and Krauss live falls through.
Yeah you’ve got the usual uplifting tone of my week.
Does this cheer you up or are you just weary of it? Anyhow good luck to the Law Society good to see them stealing the initiative.