Having just bought tickets to see Billy Bragg I feel I should inform you of a far more important date – me at Manchester Law Society on Wednesday 2nd April. Advanced bookings to the Society at DX 14378 Manchester 1
Having just bought tickets to see Billy Bragg I feel I should inform you of a far more important date – me at Manchester Law Society on Wednesday 2nd April. Advanced bookings to the Society at DX 14378 Manchester 1
Sandra informs me that she has now been with JRS for 8 years. I am left wondering what crime would have led to a sentence of that length? Of course a British jail term does not come with hard labour however!
The LSC web-site has been uncharacteristically quiet over recent days/weeks. Is there nothing to report or is this deliberate we wonder? Is a keep our heads down strategy being employed? There is however today a letter confirming reporting arrangements and with some advice on how to avoid having submissions rejected. Much of this you will […]