I did a training session for Manchester Law Society last night. My final slide (of 40) gave an indication of the main areas we are focussing upon with our retained clients. One of these was Peer Review, on which I commented briefly primarily to observe the proposed time scale for Best Value Tendering might make this a more imminent possibility for delegate firms than previously.
I had a chat about this with one delegate after the session which we continued on the phone this morning. Now I am always cautious when on the verge of receiving new instructions subsequent to training events in case what was genuinely intended as course content is misconceived as scare-mongering marketing on my part. We consequently had a longer than necessary conversation so I could better explain the PR process, all the possible permutations and to try and evaluate the real potentiality for an early request for files.
Part way through this conversation a colleague presented him with a letter received this very morning containing, yes you have guessed it already, a request for 20 files for Peer Review. Very, very scary indeed.
The clear moral of this tale: don’t talk to, or associate with your truly unless you are prepared to live in the belly of a whale.