Prison Law Anyone? 

I don’t have the time to provide a rounded critique of the CDS BVT consultation today. As ever this attempt to impose an alternative , artificial “market solution” on the existing and real one, feels clumsy and contrived. (A footnote comparing the proposals to G3 telecom licences going some way to evidence this contention). Some […]

If I Had a Boat 

I wanted to put something from the Decemberists new album, Hazards of Love, on today but there are no proper videos just those things American kids do involving some film of their own with the song as backing track. Or ones with just the picture of the cover and the music in the background. Neither […]

Shape of Things to Come 

The future of the CDS scheme is announced. Not much fun for people in Avon & Somerset or Greater Manchester. More detail next week when I have had a chance to read it. UPDATE One word – “Price Drop TV” or “CDS Under the Hammer”


Have come across this Law Society survey of practitioners thoughts on the proposed new family fee scheme. You don’t need to read it you can guess the response. Hat Tip – AnonMike in the comments

Another Peer 

Trained on Peer Review yesterday afternoon, received a copy of a clients Category 2, “Competence Plus”, report this morning. London bus type thing. It is still going on you know!

Exchange of Fire 

Another CCA appeal about to go – one of the ones dealing with the “mandatory” DSCC reference number recording issue. Will keep you informed.


Am I the only one who thought of the Porridge episode involving a match between the cons and Prison Officers when reading this invite to the LSC 60th Anniversary footy tournament.

Even More on the FAS 

Have you received a Family Fees impact assessment from the LSC this morning? If not one may well be in the post. They are a “finger in the wind” comparison of your recent claims patterns against the proposed new fee scheme. The one Andy has seen this morning shows the firm making more out of […]

Incoming Guidance 

Am trapped at home office by broken things (car, fridge and dog). The jobs I have on my list for today all need me to be in the office. I have done some oddments and then came across the newly updated guide to Crime Peer Review success, which I have given a quick scan. I […]

More on the FAS 

Further to this post on the proposed Family Advocacy Scheme Tim Collins at No. 6 is seeking some input from solicitors to their planned consultation response. If you have the time to drop him a reply to this short questionnaire he would be very grateful.