Reading Time 

Civil Bid Rounds 2010 consultation response is now out. Off to read it now. More later/tomorrow.

Gong Show 

The LALY awards took place whilst I was away. Nice to see a North East firm, David Gray, get something.

Return of Service 

Back from hols and in the office once again. Thanks to Andy for holding the fort last week. Nothing much to report on so far so back to the built up admin for me. More later in the week.

You Pay for the Privilege 

Can’t believe what I have just read on the LSC Web site headed “A new approach to quality assurance” This seems to be a major shift in auditing by the LSC but I agree that there is no point in running two very similar Quality assurance standards along side each other (Lexcel and SQM). However […]

How Long is a piece of string ? 

As per my entry on Wednesday you will now see on the LSC web site under “What’s New” that the response to the Civil Bid Round 2010 consultation documentation is to be published “shortly”. Talk about non committal, If anyone knows what ” shortly” means, one day? one week? then please let me know. Perhaps […]

SQM What’s that ? 

Both myself and Steve are audit sitting today, something which we haven’t done for some time, although in the last two days I have received two phone calls from different areas of the country stating that the firm has been notified of an audit date. The panic was evident as SQM requirements are tried to […]

Supervisor Declaration Forms 



Posting might be a bit thin here next week as I am away for a week. By way of reflecting my demob happy state of mind, the best I could come up with is this, from my O Level year, by the Motors:

On Demand 

Just done my first “on demand” Webinar. It was a 1-hour session on a specific topic with a single firm. Very interactive and more flexible than the fixed time sessions but apart from that much the same. I can see me doing more of this.

Correspondence Pin 

The debate about Legal Aid reform breaks out in the letters page of the Guardian.