Two Family Files 

Anyone got any thoughts or insight into either of these two issues? The first is one we have encountered before but has not in our experience been resolved. Our clients have submitted a Claim 1A for their fees in an ongoing care case where LA has been transferred (they get 50% of the grad fee). […]


Sorry it has been thin here recently – mid summer lull but without summery weather. I am also involved in house training a new dog and band practice has just intensified with a last minute change in line up – we now have a sax player! Some new stuff above to ponder though.

Ghost Town 

You might think this is a bit corny but it was the first thing which came to mind after read in the MoJ consultation referred to below.

Cuts Both Ways 

“Firms continue to be asked to do more and more for less and less Funding. With increasing cuts in the budget we have concerns about the impact on quality and on the financial viability of those delivering criminal legal services. This seems to be a further cost cutting exercise in areas over which defence lawyers […]

Answers on a Postcard 

I have just had an interesting chat with a local firm about the “future of Legal Aid”. They have been invited to a high level disussion opn the subject in the not too distant future. The paradox for discussion, unresolvable in my humble opinion, is how to meet increasing demand within the existing budget. We […]

Downtown Train 

Don’t like the artist at all – but love this Tom Waits song and to be fair he covers it well (heard him do it at the Brits years ago and he was the only live performer of any note). It came up on i Tunes shuffle so here it is –


Civil costs drafting clients of ours will be aware that Eve is currently on maternity leave. You will also be keen to hear that she had twin boys this morning all 3 doing fine. She returns to work on Monday (joke). I’m sure you will want to join with us in wishing the new, double […]

Still Alive 

Despite the Commission’s retreat from Peer Review it continues occupy and important place in our working lives. We currently have a couple of improvement projects on the go, have seen some good recent results from client firms and have an appeal just gone and one about to come in. We have another supplier nervously awaiting […]

Further Light Shed 

The LSC have expanded upon their decision to postpone Civil Bid Rounds for 2010 Civil Contracts until “late 2009 or early 2010”. It also confirms that Generic CDS Contracts and the BVT “Pilot” will take place in October this year. This phrase caught my eye however: “By postponing the bid rounds, the LSC will also […]

CCLF Changes 

Do you do your firms LF1s claims? If so you should download and read this. Some increases in the standard fees and a new claim for post sentence hearings though Anon’s point on the special prep. fees on large PPE cases is taken on board.