Sympathy for the Devil?

A client, who wants to remain nameless, forwarded this link to oral evidence at the Public Accounts Committee. (I am required to make it clear that this is an UNCORRECTED transcript and that the participants have not had the chance to make corrections as yet).
Some of it is astounding and you might find it surprising that I have some sympathy for the LSC – the questioning about the NZ “holiday” for instance seems to me entirely unnecessary for instance.
The exchange about profitability rates for LA firms is something you all may well take exception with and is contradictory to earlier expressed concerns about the loss of quality firms and the development of excellence in the field of Criminal Defence.
I have also expressed my view that the NAO findings are made without being subject potential cost appeal – consequently are open to question. I guess that the LSC cannot use this in their defence however.
It does however help explain why a new round of CCAs is underway!

About Author: SP

One comment on “Sympathy for the Devil?

  • Yes, but it is interesting to see that Ms Regan is paid a performance bonus for overseeing the devastation of the legal aid system. I have I am afraid little sympathy when one looks at the information that her august body requires from defence solicitors.

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