Have heard some outrageous stories about the consultancy charges some of our rival have been levying for assistance with bidding – in one case more than 3 times – either that or we are undercharging!
We will not however be raising our fees for the Civil round, which we can now get our teeth into (though I have one less of those following an emergency extraction last night). If you want some help with Mental Health, Family or SWL, give us a ring, our order book is once again open.
On second thought though CDS bidding has resulted in addittional costs, which any commercially astute business would seek to pass onto its clients, such as;
Our copier/fax machine (even though this has nothing to do with bidding but everything to do with costs drafting)
“Think we will get a way with it”
Certainly; however, we propose each month to issue a statement saying we are not going to pay you this month, as Jack Straw needs the money for new carpets, wallpaper, new letterheads (LSC – Now an Executive Agency) etc.
Meant to go back and put a link to the “No pay in March” story from the LSC website but got sidetracked.