1st Leg Result? 

As the LSC inform us TLS won this afternoon. I have had very many phone calls but have not been able to get anything more substantive, that the above link, to post. As can be seen from that, how much further this takes us is, as yet, unclear be prepared for our Plan B. Do […]

JR News 

Judgement is now expected tomorrow and indications are that leave to appeal will be granted whichever way it goes. What happens whilst this trundles on is less clear. HAT TIP Jonathan Woodhouse

Is “No News” Good News 

And still no news from London. Well I am interviewing graduate trainees all day so will not be constantly hovering over TLS or the Gazette website.

Glorious 28th 

The new Family Fee scheme training season starts today. There will be a webinar, or two, on the subject in the near future, today is in-house. The days of hired hotel conference rooms for training events might be over. How were the LSC sessions?

Friday Webinar 

We will try, once again, to schedule our Webinar summarising the state of play for the new Civil Contract this Friday. With the Law Society JR being put back last week, we decided to postpone this “live news” summary to a more appropriate date. Hopefully we will have something substantive to relay to delegates this […]

Cattle and Cane 

There is a whole big thing going on involving kids, presumably influenced by their parents record collections, playing folky/country style music. If you come here most recent Fridays you will have picked up on this. Witnessed more of this last night with the very good “Chased by Wolves” who I much preferred to the slightly […]

Scroll Down to L 

Quango cuts full list of bodies under review HAT TIP Nigel – again! (Get some work done)

Rolling News 

From the Gazette; Lord Justice Moses, hearing the case with Lord Justice Beatson, said:

Back Online 

The inactivity here is once again occasioned by early morning departures to field work assignments – but not for much longer!! Tuesday saw me involved in the ever-present Financial Stewardship process. Why is there such a degree of divergence in the level of flexibility, common sense and even basic interpersonal skills displayed by RMs? And […]


On a cold, grey Teesside morning in January 1994 we sat nervously awaiting our first ever Franchise audit. In the circumstances, complete uncertainty about the nature of the process, it passed off not too badly with the horror of receiving “major” non-compliances being thoroughly explained by our new “Liaison Manager” I next met this Liaison […]