
We first heard this from friend of this site Andrew Keogh who “tweeted” this from @crimedaily yesterday; “Shaftesbury Group (Bostalls) contract for CDS Direct has been suspended by the LSC” The Gazette runs the story today. Is it not beginning to dawn on them that trying to mutate a thriving, pre-existening market is not really […]

LALY Reports 

I am still waiting for a full list, and report, of the LALY winners. In the meantime here are a couple of articles.

On ProcureCoes 

I did this hasty post surrounding ProcureCo speculation in South Wales yesterday. The linked article came to me via Twitter and we had a bit of a late night discussion via the same media. (You will also see some commentary on the blog post too). If nothing else it makes me feel that our Twitter […]

Too Soon? 

This is interesting.

Tonight Tonight 

It is the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards tonight. I can’t make it – too much going on to justify a trip to London. Good luck to all the nominees, but especially Rheian, Michael and Bryony, and we wish everyone great night. UPDATE Well done Rheian – full list of winners when available.

Life in the Fast Lane 

The Justice Bill is on the fast track. We are covering it again on the Friday webinar. Disagree with Linda Lee on one point though; ‘This is a government that is running scared of proper scrutiny and debate. They are fast tracking the bill through parliament to silence the public.’ They are indifferent to scrutiny, […]


Todays list; CRB CCLF appeals X 2 firms Standard Civil Cost Appeal FS & CCLF & CLDVE appeals combined FS self validation report IR & NAO appeal FS & PR PA audit outcome appeal Family VHCC appeal 2 Press Releases Why do I want to scream? PS Forgot to mention debt recovery. I know its […]

More on the Bill 

Good article on the Justice Bill, and the statistical justification for it.

A 5 Webinar Month 

1st July The Justice Bill By request we are rerunning last weeks session on the Justice Bill for firms who were unable to attend. This is the JRS, Essential Guide to the proposed changes to the Elgai Aid scheme contained in the recently published Justice bill. 8th July 15th Birthday Special A slightly self-indulgent retrospective […]


Both Graham and I represented JRS at the old mans recent visit to Middlesbrough Empire. He has lost a bit of his vocal strength but none of his stamina – he’d did a full 2-hour set which flew past. (They finished off with a live version of “Open Up”, his 1993 collaboration with LeftField which […]