Dean alerted me to this yesterday evening. It is the answer to a Freedom of Information request made by the good people at ilegal.
Now I don’t want this post to be seen in any way as a “tax payers alliance” type rant. We know and respect many former LSC employees who properly received the redundancy payments due to them, and to which they have every right. We also have no intention of playing a guessing game as to the identities of the “top five” – although we probably could, with some accuracy and, equally as likely, highlight their current employment status. They too have the same rights to final payouts as the less well remunerated former colleagues who are in our social circle.
I also listened to a public sector -v- private sector “speke yr branes” 5 Live phone in yesterday – which is an undignified mess I would also like to avoid at all costs.
I am however reminded of an ascerbic comment made some years ago from the lectern of an LSC training event. As ever it followed, justified, comments from the floor about the continuing decline in the real value of Legal Aid rates (and I paraphrase).
“Well I can see lots of nice cars in the car park out there and I can tell you that they don’t belong to anyone on this side of the table”
Well at an average of £76,562 it looks like some of them, especially those who have moved immediately in to new jobs, will at last be able to exorcise that little green eyed monster, by the way of at least a second hand BMW.