Do You Remember 

I commented on how impressed I was with Ane Brun’s Kate Bush cover earlier in the week. (A view shared by neither Mrs SP nor the Nextdoors, fools). I did buy her latest album and am significantly more impressed than I was with the isolated tracks on the radio. This is the “single”, I think;

Radio Silence Preferred 

Family tender notifications start today with those who have failed. Successful firms will hear from Wednesday next week. Here’s hoping that we do not get a single, further, call for help with an appeal.

One Step Forward 

Here is a bit of progress with regard to the definition of PPE under the CCLF. Basically “converted to PDF” now PPE, “always electronic” e.g. ‘phone schedules Special Prep.” CCTV, tough.

Deadline Alert 

Monday is the deadline for the submission of any amendments you want to make to the Duty Solicitor Rota. This is ONLY of relevance if you wish to add, or remove, a Duty Solicitor or you want to move people between schemes. If this applies to you you must complete the Excel version of the […]