There is some Tweeting regarding this article. I have just added the following blog comment.
I am often engaged precisely to train around the issue of “businessman first”, or costs awareness as I would (more accurately?) describe it. Achieving the required attitudinal change, particularly under the Crown Court LF, is tough, belies the theme of the article and runs counter to my firms extensive experience. Indeed were the articles claim accurate one assumes it would negate the demand for such training in the first place.
Of the small number of miscarriages of justice I have encountered, in client firms, in the last 15 years, (I will spare the firms involved their blushes), one of which was high profile, the common factor was human error, aggravated by poor management control and over work. There is arguably a costs factor in this, however I would attribute this to “running faster to stand still” rather than greed.
This view is purely anecdotal. Nonetheless I find that those slugging it out in Criminal Defence work, against ever decreasing actual and real value profit margins, demonstrate the opposite to the characteristics ascribed to them in this article.