Coincidence is a regular occurrence here. Today’s first one has me reading something about the Statutory Charge Manual in a Linkedin thread and then dealing with a longstanding casework problem with a client. In the former, friend of this site, Ben Reid (I suspect that it is the same one) recounts a conversation with an LSC employee who chastises him for not having read the “statutory charge manual” – an LSC internal publication to which he has no access. Here is my search result at the LSC website;
Your search for “statutory charge manual” in Legal Services Commission found 0 hits.
Again sad though this might seem, I would love a copy of this document and can see no reason why this cannot be shared with the profession – especially as you cannot now, routinely, get to speak to someone with any degree of expertise in the subject at the Commission. (If someone sends me one on the QT I will not tell – I do not want anymore phone queries on the subject)
Got one yet?