April Webinar Program 

We only have 2 available Fridays in April losing the other pair both to holidays, one a Bank Holiday the other my 50th Birthday present. That leaves us the following couple of sessions. Friday 13th April SQM Audit Update Our experience of the SQM Delivery Partnership approach to audits is growing at a pace. To […]

Naming and Shaming? 

They say it is not you, however, might take a different view, as the LeO begins to publish anonymous lists of firms subject to complaints investigations. ‘The objective is to share information and thereby improve standards, not to impose punitive measures on an individual or small group of firms.’

Is No More 

Whether it was “fair”, “reasonable”, “proportionate” or “strategically stupid” the removal of the Committal Fee was however lawful. Answered a client question to this effect on my doorstep this morning. It has gone.