April Webinar Program

We only have 2 available Fridays in April losing the other pair both to holidays, one a Bank Holiday the other my 50th Birthday present. That leaves us the following couple of sessions.

Friday 13th April SQM Audit Update

Our experience of the SQM Delivery Partnership approach to audits is growing at a pace. To date these have all been successfully navigated with no real fireworks, and even a few pleasant surprises. One of the central features of their approach are the detailed staff interviews undertaken by the auditor. These routinely run to at least 5 members of staff – including support staff. This update will therefore focus on the areas of questioning covered and the varying angles of attack plus, of course, provide basic guidance on other key ares of compliance.

Friday 27th April Spring Clean Session

It is a while since we did one of our “magazine” style round-ups of all the recent issues and changes of which you should be aware. These, unashamedly, eclectic mixes of LSC announcements, news and JRS day-to-day experience have become a popular method of keeping up to date with those little bits of information which can pass a busy practitioner by. If you are nervous that you have missed something this is one way to enable you to relax.

About Author: SP

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