Mid Air 

If this is in the record shop it will be this weeks CD purchase (I regard Amazon as a last resort). It is a collection of painfully beautiful, minimalist songs by the former front man of the Blue Nile, Paul Buchanan. Even Jools can’t spoil this live version;

What a Week 

Me off the bench and back on the field not once but twice and for the full 90 minutes on the second occasion. We have nearly obliterated our deadline list on the white board 5 walk-over SQM audit results Excellent, but not precedent setting, cost appeal victory Logistically most demanding (and longest) appeal ever written […]

When Only Defeat Will Do 

Perversely we have just won an appeal which we wanted to lose, so that the matter could progress to the Cost Appeals Committee for consideration of a Point of Principle. The LSC could now take this step but, as an individual ICA determination is not precedent setting, I guess that they will not wish to […]