Civil firms will be anticipating, perhaps not eagerly, the second element of the 2013 Procurement Round, due to commence in a few weeks time. At time of writing the precise start and close dates of the “window” have not been confirmed, the former being described as “mid September”.
As ever, we will be offering support and assistance once the curtains have been thrown wide.
Those who want direct assistance with the completion of the ITT should let us know as soon as possible and we will book you a slot.
Likewise if you just want us to check the final submission over, for a little peace of mind, we can do that also.
For operational reasons at JRS we are strongly encouraging those utilising either of these 2 services to complete and submit their ITT in the first fortnight of the window.
We will also run 2 of our now traditional Webinar sessions offering a “Virtual Tour of the E-Portal”. These will take place on the first and second week of the window. Dates will have to be confirmed but it is almost certain that one of these will be the 21st September and we are taking bookings for that now.
The September Webinar Programme looks like this
Friday 7th September Self Verification. The Top 5Self verification of bundles of claims, following a Contract Manager visit is an experience common to many firms. Here we look at the process and the 5 most regular issues under scrutiny; Evidence of Means, Family Level 2 claims, Petitioner Divorce matters, Multiple Police Station Claims, Series of Offences in the Magistrates Court. This session is essential for all those involved in billing Civil Controlled and CDS lower claims.
Friday 14th or 21st or 28th September (TBC) Virtual Tour of the E-Portal
As in all previous bid rounds we will provide detailed guidance on the completion of the ITT, the rules and the bidding strategies open to you. We will also give you a practical guide to the Bravo Solutions E-portal to save you many hours reacquainting yourselves with this navigational nightmare.
Book a place now and then choose which date you would prefer. We will run the course twice, most likely on the latter 2 dates above.