Feed the Cats 

We all reject the myth of the “fat cat legal aid lawyer”. During last weeks anti PCT social media campaign our most retweeted contribution: Over 20 years I have met 1,000s of Legal Aid lawyers (its my job) not ONE of them was a Fat Cat just dedicated to #saveukjustice I intended to do a […]

Friday Webinar 

3rd May 2013 LASPO Frequently Asked Questions A month into the post LASPO Legal Aid scheme we intend to use this weeks session to take delegates through the common problems firms have encountered. We have been busy on the telephone advice lines and now have some further guidance from the LAA, so we aim to […]

Artificial Intelligence 

We have commented previously on the MoJ’s flawed procurement of Interpretation services. I will save you another rehash of the story. The House of Commons Public Accounts Cttee trashed the exercise in a recent report describing the MoJ as not being an “intelligent customer”. The solution to this failure is described here. Now in the […]

Sotto Voce 

For the first time in ages we are NOT in headless chicken mode at JRS HQ. The appeals board shows nothing requiring completion this week and comparatively distant deadlines on the outstanding ones. We have also got over the “bulge in the costs drafting pipe” and are back to a turnaround time with which we […]


Have loved The Lake Poets ever since we saw them, on a Sunday night, at booze-free gig, in a tiny Middelsbrough tea shop. (Yes I am fully aware how implausible all of that sounds). This is their most audacious recording to date and is just lovely.


It is Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year time again. You have 5 days to get a nomination in.


From 9am this morning there was a planned attempt and make #saveukjustice the No. 1 “trending” (most talked about) issue on Twitter. This was part of the growing, organic resistance to the Coalitions proposals for Crime PCT. (Please don’t forget that Civil areas are in for a further battering too, especially another 10% cut in […]

LASPO DV Evidence 

A couple of weeks ago we suggested that we would do a “Cut out and Keep” list of the evidential requirements for the Domestic Violence passport into legally aided Private Law cases. Well here it is

From Relegation to Europe 

I have blogged, tweeted and Shouted © (JRS for “training’) on the subject of rejected Civil Bills. Not least as this now is a KPI (key performance indicator) under the 2013 Contract. Most of this flowed from the 6-month experience of helping a client firm to move out of the relegation zone – amongst the […]

3rd Party Help 

Sometime ago we were asked about a case where the applicant for Legal Aid, an asylum seeker, relied upon relatives for support. They had kindly offered him a room and fed him. He completed an application and the LSC insisted that his relatives be means assessed, under Reg. 11 (4)*, and they then declared him […]