Some Better Day 

Was going to post something by I am Kloot in any event today as I am immensely looking forward to seeing them in Middlesbrough next Wednesday (though I will have to drink v expensive Red Stripe). And then the name, and sentiment, of this track seems an appropriate hope in a week like this.

Big Meeting 

In our part of the world “The Big Meeting” refers to the Durham Miners Gala. Obviously this is now something of an historic pageant rather than a gathering of working colliers. In the context of Criminal PCT the CLSA, LCCSA, LAPG, SAHCA, The Law Society and the Criminal Bar Association are calling a big meeting […]

The Resistance 

Another client has received the rather terse standard letter from the LAA announcing a LASPO visit from their Contract Manager. (He got the joke about the Bottom Inspectors too). After a chat, in which I talked myself out of a nice fat fee, they have decided to say: Was not possible to get to LSC […]