Data Request

Friend of this site Tim Collins of No 6 Park Square, Leeds, has been engaged in a dogged struggle to get basic info from the powers that be to assist in his consultation response.

Obviously this is now too late. Here however is the latest in a long line of e-mails, this time to Dame Ursula Brennan the Accounting Officer at the MoJ.

Dear Dame Ursula

Having spent nearly two months trying to gain answers from your Department to some basic questions. I remain frustrated and concerned that the simple information I requested has not been made available

As a consequence I was unable to properly respond your Transforming Legal Aid Consultation – which I assume you are centrally involved in? I attach the response I sent in but am still awaiting answers to two core questions:

1. What is the projected spend on Legal Aid for the years between now and 2018-19 and what assumption have been made in projecting these figures?

2. And does the PDS offer value for money to the tax payer? Can I please have the financial information that will give me confidence that the full costs of the PDS are being accounted for?

I would trust that this information is readily available and would further request a summary of the financial information used to brief those responsible for developing the current consultation proposals.

I look forward to hearing from you.

We will keep you posted on the reply

About Author: SP

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