
This is what I said about this song last year. It remains the second best Xmas song of all time but has added personal significance this year hence its repeat appearance.

Compliments of the Season 

We are on Xmas leave from lunchtime today. You can still contact Andy and Simon via the mobiles however. (If you know and use the DX number please can you refrain from doing so until January) From all of us at JRS we wish our clients, friends and readers a Happy Christmas and the, overoptimistic, […]

Here We Go Again 

We have a box of files on which a client asks us to respond to questions from the LAA . On the first file out, their auditor asks why the travel rate charged is different to that used on another matter for the same client. Er – this one was Duty Solicitor and charged as […]


If you missed it yesterday the LAA have produced a document entitled “Controlled Work – Audit Trends” It purports to summarise common areas of non-compliance at audit which result in costs reductions. Here is an example: “Where an employed client is paid weekly providers should obtain 4 weekly wage slips to cover the entire computation […]

If You Make One Comment on the SGM… 

The outcome of the Law Society SGM yesterday, a vote of no confidence in the approach adopted to the current “transformation” of Legal Aid, will be news to nobody. We felt it inappropriate to comment in advance and feel likewise now; it really is not our place. Having people we know, and respect, on opposite […]

Be Careful Out There 

I remember reading this when it first appeared – I am also a happy owner of the book from which the extract is taken. As ever Crimeline ahead of the curve. Here is the money quote – and I say money deliberately; “Solicitors who therefore fail to apply for costs apportionment in appropriate cases open […]

Friday Song of the Year 

Yes, scarily, it is that time again and what a year for music. It is almost impossible to know where to start. I think gig of the year must go to The Barr Brothers – if for no other reason than putting a full concert sized harp on stage in the little social club in […]

International Treasures are Go 

We have a fairly robust culture of good-natured, in-house teasing at JRS – though Steve tends to get it worst, him being a Pearly King and all. (The latest Cornish fish catch and Helen’s new pantomime adventure are a bit more esoteric to include here) Friend of this site and former Director of the CLSA, […]

Déjà Vu Again 

As often happens – true London bus style – you receive a glut of similar things over a short period. This morning, following these cases another came along. It has all the usual hallmarks; a poor and inconsistent assessment followed by a similar ICA determination and finally the rejection of a perfectly reasonable PoP by […]

Up All Night? 

Its just like déjà vu all over again …… as the joke runs I am caught in another repeat argument, over the very same points, with a different arm of the LAA, previously subject to a favourable appeal result. Whilst I was writing this guess what happened? That’s right another one came through on the […]