Do you read those questionnaires in weekend colour supplements?
If so do you ever wonder how you would answer?
There is one, which asks – “How would you like to be remembered?”
My proposed answer is – “For creating a single wise, yet brilliant, quote which slips into popular usage”
And it came to pass that a recent tweet is to be used in exactly that way, emblazoned on a tee shirt, during the March 7th day of action. And hence force I will be remembered, in places like the Oxford Book of Quotations, for coining the phrase;
“And an MoJ spokesperson said ‘Blah, blah, blah blah…”
I think the standard MoJ PR blurb now goes
“At a time when everyone has to tighten their belts, lawyers cannot expect to be immune. Except if they are employed by the PDS that is”
Another popular recent tweet was;
“We cant afford actual Legal Aid but we can afford an inoperative £56M IT scheme and Silks for the PDS”