Louisiana 1923 

I depart to the States tomorrow to celebrate Mrs SP’s “40th” birthday. Our first port of call is Galveston followed by a saunter along the Louisiana gulf coast to New Orleans. For the reasons in Martin Simpson’s introduction this, however, is my themed pick for Friday Song. Interestingly I saw him in 1975 and bought […]


The campaign against the Legal Aid cuts by the CLSA and LCCSA is to be intensified. The “no-to-Crown Court” campaign is pretty radical and represents a clear escalation of “hostilities”. They are also seeking “crowd funding” for a JR to which we have just donated, Do you know what? I am deeply pessimistic about the […]

Do We Have A Plan? 

My strong advice is NOT to read theLAA Business Plan, particularly if you have had any direct contact with the LAA in the last year. Every single item of casework on my desk strongly contradicts the assertions made. More of the same: There is a heavy emphasis on the importance of our people, our values […]