Where Dreams go to Die 

Unsurprisingly I have got to Friday Song late today. I post this on the verge of going to see a massive favourite of ours, John Grant, at the Sage with a full f$%* off orchestra. We have only experienced this once before at the same venue with Belle & Sebastian and tonight ends months of […]

Graylings Xmas Present 

In a written statement to Parliament  Grayling has indicated that the 2015 Duty Contract tender process will commence today – yes that is today. If you want to read the new consultation response here it is. This is immensely depressing. Even if ever-reliable commenters like Crimeline are correct (and they probably will be), and the […]

Car Sales 

Getting stuck into my first Peer Review appeal for a short while. I will spare you the detail suffice it to say this is a perfectly “industry standard” sample which is beyond doubt threshold competent. The scheme, then described as the Gold Standard of quality assessment has certainly become tarnished in recent years. For a […]

Over My Shoulder 

Nicking off early to go and see I am Kloot, British Sea Power, Tim Burgess and many more at an indoor event called The Whisky Sessions  in Manchester today. Here is an old one from the former.  


I am absolutely surrounded by Legal Help files both literally and metaphorically. Yesterday I trained all day on LH billing, today I am doing LH billing and next I start a “self review” of two boxes of files engendered by a couple of errors a clients made ages ago in their LH billing. The inescapable […]


For some reason this did not publish on Friday as scheduled – better late than never. Ash are one of my all time favourites bands, especially live and we’ve been lucky enough to see them a number of times. This is from Tim Wheeler, their front man’s, first solo project “Lost Domain”. It follows his […]


As the MoJ lose another JR regarding Legal Aid one might wonder if we hardworking tax payers are getting value for money out of the £34M spent by them on external legal advice. And when the Daily Mail have to correct what you say you really are in trouble. That spent equates to 176K Magistrates Court […]

Like a Paper Cut, But Worse 

A client, sick of standard bill rejections of the: “the representation order is not attachced…..” type, bought an “industrial strength” stapler. He has just had an LF1 back (paid in full) covered in blood and with the following “assessment”.  

Make You Better 

I secured tickets for the last of my current list of forthcoming gigs this morning – The Decemberists next February. I put them in my calendar and had a look at what else we have pending: Stornoway next week then I am Kloot and British Sea Power at the “Whisky Sessions” followed by John Grant, […]


Please note that there is no gloating at all on this website today. Not even a tiny little bit.