NfP update

In a post entitled NfP (not for profit) below we discussed an interesting development regarding reporting the statutory charge in tailored fixed fee cases. The LSC seemed to be advocating an approach which, in certain circumstance, meant that they were enforcing a charge against the client which is more than they were paying the supplier.
This now seems to have been confirmed in correspondence between a client of ours and their Regional Office. They are considering an Internal Review. We will keep you posted.
Any other profit making initiatives which could assist in supporting the CLS/CDS should be posted in the comments boxes we will forward them to Grays Inn Road.

About Author: SP

One comment on “NfP update

  • Hi simon this not related to your posting but Competetive Tendering. Yesterday looked on the LSC web site at the London data for police stations and Mags courts. Nice to see we are so ahead of the game. Every stat that they have produced so can we via the CDS 6 wizard. Very intersesting to see how the figures are produced. My main concern is the age of the data but it does indicate it will be updated.I believe all London firms need to know how they compare against these figures.
    This clearly will be rolled out nationally if the results in London are positive so all firms need to start to consider this sort of monitoring.