We have, this minute, received an urgent advice call. In correspondence this morning the firm in question has been accused, by their regional office, of being a “high cost” PACE provider. The allegation is that they are in the top 10%, on average, of CDS suppliers in the investigation class of work. This we imagine is determined by one of the SOOPER reports which generate league tables of “out of profile” suppliers from the grading of CMRC data.
The LSC want to meet to see how this might be resolved.
Our advice is to meet fire with fire and to respond with detailed stats and to demand the LSC’s background data (using Freedom of Information provisions if necessary). Their immediate task is to get their CDS 6 data into an IT format that allows detailed interrogation.
We have banged the drum about our CDS 6 Wizard for some time. It remains the best vehicle we have seen to allow a robust response to the LSC on such issues. IT IS FREE and vital to all modern interaction with the LSC. Get your copy today from the office. Details on the left.