This weeks travelling is over and I’m back in the frozen north, with a flooded kitchen to prove it. The car is in for a pit stop before starting over again next week.
The main topic has of course been Carter. The phrase coined earlier in the week “resigned incredulity” remains an appropriate description of the reactions.
Some other things appear to have been happening however.
Probably Carter related but the LSC are advertising for Peer Reviewers again. Deadline date is 24th March so get going – supposing you can spare 2 days a month.
We have another lawyer as a political party leader. What do the lib dems think about Legal Aid reform?
I’m dusting down the DJ for next weeks annual Law Society dinner.
I’ve just ordered steak for lunch on my in-house training day next Wednesday – who says there is no money in Legal Aid.
I have also agreed to speak at the North West Legal Aid Conference on the 25th May 2006 – can’t find any web advertising to link to though yet.
I am now off to check on the washer. Perhaps I’ll take my own advice and get on a plumbing course, though fortunately this does seem to be simply a frozen pipe.