Temperature Rising

Andy Bean [Lead Fieldwork Consultant] writes:
Simon is now away on holiday and very kindly sending me lots of pictures of big pointy things, more commonly known as The Pyramids.
Simon is clearly getting himself acclimatised to the rise in temperature and he will hopefully find this very useful, as clearly back here in wet and windy England, the temperature is also rising as practitioners concerns and frustrations begin to increase.
Based on the number of phone calls I have received over the last week, practitioners are beginning to consider the latest Consultation Paper on the Preferred Supplier Scheme and the implications this may have to their practice. As we have mentioned before, this is not the time to panic but to ensure you are fully and correctly informed of the proposals. Some of the conversations I have had outlined concerns which were based on completely inaccurate information.
As many of you are aware we are holding the CPD training courses on this latest consultation paper and on the equally important subject of Peer Review in April and May, finishing this round in London on 13th June. For larger firms, it might be more cost-effective to consider taking the In-House option for Peer Review, which includes a critical assessment of your files. For details please contact Sandra at our Middlesbrough office on 01642-225553.
But remember, as Corporal Jones would say, “DON”T PANIC”.

About Author: SP

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