Andy and I had what might loosely be called a “partnership meeting” on Monday night and we talked about this place a bit.
The reason for this is that traffic to the site has grown exponentially in the last few months, each setting a consecutive new record for the number of monthly visits. This month might see us go above 1,000 users. Far from making us complacent we feel this is a resource we can further develop and I am going to meet the design and technical people in the near future to this end (they independently think it needs a visual make over).
Beyond that this post seeks you, the visitors, thoughts. To get things going here are some of my own.
We need more conversations going in the comments boxes (hence the post above this one). Writers other than me and more guest contributions – not just pinching LAPG press releases when they drop on the mat – might help. As far as we can tell people like the lighter off topic stuff too so perhaps more of that.
Any ideas of you own grateful received.