Spring time – daffodils, birds singing, lengthening nights, lambs gambolling in the fields, Leeds facing relegation and another JRS Training Tour.
This time we are reverting to a format we used some years ago, a mixed “magazine style” course covering a number of topics. In essence it will be an essential updater for all practitioners without time to digest all the many and varied consultation papers. It also allows us to give an insight into our practical experience of the impact of these policies on practice.
The course will cover:
Peer Review in action
Carter developments
Preferred Supplier “roll out”
The new IT requirements
News Update
The tour dates are:
Tuesday 20th March, Leeds/Bradford, Cedar Court
Thursday 22nd March, London, Mostyn Hotel Marble Arch
Tuesday 27th March, Gateshead/Newcastle, Marriot Metro Centre
Thursday 29th March, Manchester, Marriot Victoria and Albert
The course attracts 3 CPD points at a reduced price, for blog/internet bookings, of