Friday Download Frenzy 

The CLSA have gazumped us all, including the LSC, in getting the latest set of consultation documents and responses on the web. You can get them here, they include PACE boundaries and Slot Allocation. This is truly my last post of the day – happy weekend reading! UPDATE So I lied. The above, and more […]


We have not done a Friday video in some time so here is one. The latest album from Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is currently in the CD player in my kitchen being the last one I bought. Here is one of their earlier tracks:

A Matter of Interpretation 

We have always chucked up free plugs for support services we think our readers might be interested in. Multi-Language is a translation firm based in our neck of the woods, run by a friend of a friend. They can cover over 60 languages with enough individuals to offer fairly widespread and flexible cover. Their rates […]

Peer Review Results Service 

On the back of the story below we received today a further Threshold Competent result from a disgruntled client, who was hoping for something higher. On the basis of the last two representations we have helped prepare the detail, scale and scope of the “Major Areas of Concern” would however, if consistently assessed, suggest a […]

An Experience of Peer Review 

We reported here on, to our knowledge, the first major JR challenge to a Peer Review outcome. Karen Todner, of major London firm Kaim Todner, has kindly sent us her thoughts on this experience which she concludes as follows: “Until problems like this are resolved the LSC should look very carefully at that what they […]