If you have nothing else to read, either at work or beside your holiday destination swimming pool, may I recommend this. Is it just me or does it read like a Soviet self congratulation on the achievement of another glorious 5 year plan?
“The LSC met or exceeded 12 out of its 13 corporate targets for the last year. Highlights include:”
See what I mean, (I can remember “target setting” at Leeds RO in the 90s), bet you cant wait for the “highlights”.
Once again the phrase of the moment, “transformation”, crops up. As I have observed before:
Choose your side – Protect or Destroy
Sir Michael’s point regarding “excellent customer service” and complaints being at “an all time low” represent an interesting take on the last year. They seem to have airbrushed out of history (the usually mild mannered) Richard Miller’s view that the LSC are now “loathed” by the profession and the unprecedented vote of no confidence in them by the Law Society.
“Business as usual” in “continuing to build on this success” then.
Does this prove yesterdays point about “perception gap”?
We dont complain because we are afraid, very afraid>