One of the side benefits of training tours, in addition to the odd bit of juicy gossip, is a chance to get a feel for issues of concern to the profession and to get a first feel for likely unforeseen consequences of LSC proposals.
As ever, from the speakers vantage point, it is always interesting to watch lawyers minds whirring when confronted with a new set of payment regulations. The most immediate example relates to claiming the Level 2 Public Law standard fee for support of parents (or those with parental responsibility).
The level runs from the point at which the Local Authority issues notice of intention to issue proceedings. Now in contract it suggests that this should be in formal written form and yet any number of delegates are indicating to us that their LAs never issue such notices or make such an indication in correspondence. We will obviously get a feel for this across the UK over the next two weeks, and feed that back to the powers that be, however your thoughts and experience of this issue would be very welcome either in the comments box below or directly.