More “Offline” Reporting Advice 

We have received an indication that in addition to using the LSC’s own “bulkload spreadsheet” submission of either the CSV or XML file generated by our CMRF and CDS 6 Wizards will be acceptable. If you wish to use this option here is some guidance prepared by our very own Mr Barnes:- “Using our Wizard, […]

Bit of Balance? 

To sighs of general relief at LSC HQ and a cry of “thank heavens we have a genuinely successful pilot* to report GOOD NEWS about” from the Head Spin Doctor there is a now a positive story, rather than misery, at the top of the “What New” section of their web-site. Don’t be saying it […]

Just Like London Busses 

In yesterdays Comments on this thread I alluded to possibly being on the end of a worse Civil Service IT disaster than LSC “Offline” Billing. And just to prove the point!