More consultation, this time on the July CDS Unified Contract. It is proposed that this will be for 12 months this time. Of most interest will probably be the proposed Duty Solicitor Arrangements and Slot Allocation. At a quick glance last night there appear to be two options one pretty much as now or, secondly, following a bidding procedure. Both are based on numbers of employed Duty Solicitors at start of contract and not claims history. The former will involve regular 3 or 6 monthly reissue of rotas the latter will last for the lifetime of the contract.
Annex G in this document includes the proposed KPIs (key performance indicators keep up at the back!) which as predicted include a 10% average CDS 7 and exceptional PACE claim reduction rate and some Duty Solicitor acceptance rates. There is also a drag over of substantive benefit outcome codes from the civil scheme but incorporating three of the indicators from the old Quality Profile Report.