After 9 years of enforced captivity Sandra has finally completed her tunnel and will be leaving us for pastures new on Friday. I know that many of you will want the opportunity to say good-bye yourselves so I am posting this by way of advanced notice.
I for one will be sorry not to be able to hear Sandra’s dulcet tones when I call JRS offices. They so remind me of home! Good luck, Sandra, and thanks for all your help.
Hello Mr Patterson!
Don’t worry, I am sure Andy and Simon will have ‘dulcet tones’ as an essential requirement . . thanks for your nice comments, appreciated.
Good luck Sandra-without your tracking skills Simon will need fitting with a tag.
On the basis that some of my clients have done less time for Murders are I am sure you are due your release! best of luck. Nigel
Thanks for that cheery thought Nigel!
All the best